Selasa, 05 April 2011


Air Pollution

Air pollution is the presence of one or more physical substance, chemical, or biological in the atmosphere in the amount that could endanger the health of living things, disrupt the aesthetics and comfort, or damage property.

Air pollution is the entry, or a mixture of dangerous elements into the atmosphere which could cause environmental damage, disruption to human health in general as well as reduced environmental quality.

Classification of Air Pollutants:

1. Primary pollutants: pollutant in caused directly from the source of air pollution.

2. Secondary pollutant: pollutant-pollutant formed from reactions of primary pollutants in the atmosphere.
Example: Sulfur dioxide, sulfur monoxide and water vapor to produce sulfuric acid.
Types of Pollutants:

- Carbon monoxide (CO)
- Nitrogen dioxide (N02)
- Sulfur Dioxide (S02)
- CFCs
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Ozone (03)
- Objects Particulate (PM)
- Lead (Pb)
- hydrocarbons (HC)

Main Causes of Air Pollution:

In the big cities are very difficult to get fresh air, an estimated 70% of the pollution that occurs is a result of motor vehicle.
Example: in Jakarta between the years 1993-1997 an increase in the number of vehicles in the form:
- Motorcycle 207%
- 177% passenger cars
- Car goods 176%
- Bus 138%
Impact of Air Pollution:

- Ozone Depletion
- Global Warming (Global Warming)
- Respiratory disease, eg heart, lungs and throat
- Disruptions reproductive function
- Stress and decreased levels of productivity
- Health and decline in mental abilities of children
- Decrease the level of intelligence (IQ) of children.


+ Clean Air Act made ​​by the government and increase taxes for industries that do air pollution.
+ To develop environmentally friendly technology and renewable such as Fuel Cell and Solar Cell.
+ Saving Energy used.
+ Maintain cleanliness of the neighborhood.

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